
Something to consider when buying your next piece of kit. 

KNBC Safety Handbook

Monna-Leigh McElveny, Safety and Education Advisor

Click here for a PDF version of the KNBC Safety Handbook which contains all the information below.

Safety Videos 

Useful Links For Tour Leaders (And Club Members, Too)

  • Changes to Québec's Highway Safety Code re: cycling 2018
  • Ontario’s Guide to Safe Cycling
  • Quebec Safe Cycling Guide
  • Young Cyclist's Guide
  • Government of Canada - Environment and natural resources weather forecast for Ottawa.
    • Click on the Radar link, then click on the arrow button in the Animation box for a visual picture of where the percipitation is coming from
    • Click on the 24 Hour Forecast link for hour-by-hour forecast of temperature, chance of percipitation, wind and humidex for the next 24 hours
  • Ottawa Public Health - Guide to starting cycling
  • Service Ottawa list of Current Roadwork and Street Closures
  • Bicycle Safety - Ottawa Police Service -
    • 613-236-1222, extension 7300.  Police Reporting Unit: To report theft, property damage, missing person or stolen vehicle. 
  • Project 529 - What is the 529 Garage?  It's community watch for your bike - 
    • Register your bike - Quickly capture all the important information about your bike from your computer or your smartphone. It's free! 
    • Shield your bike - Our tamper resistant 529 Shield acts as a deterrent, warning would-be thieves to keep their paws off your bike, and making it easier to find you if your bike is recovered
    • Start your alert - Make the most of the 529 community to find your stolen bike. Our community includes over 400 law enforcement agencies, universities, bike clubs and bike shops around the world, as well as 529 users like you. 
    • Get community help - Thousands of bikes are recovered by law enforcement and the community. If your bike is registered, it's easy to get back to you! 
    • Help #endbiketheft - Be sure to search our registry to make sure that a bike you are considering buying wasn't reported stolen. And, if you find a bike, or see something suspicious, post it with us to help get it back to it's owner. 

    Incident and Accident Protocol - What to do and not do at the scene of an accident

    Ontario roads can be a hazardous place for bicyclists - with or without vehicles.

    When you witness an accident involving a cyclist:
    • Ensure the injured cyclist is safe;
    • Barricade the area (with your bike if necessary). If needed, send people up and down the road to warn other approaching road users that the road is obstructed;
    • If there is a possibility of a neck or spinal injury, DO NOT MOVE THEM and call 911;
    • If conscious, and there is no risk of a neck or spinal injury - carefully remove their helmet, and do a visual helmet check;
    • Look for evidence that the helmet has hit the ground (scratches or gravel impregnations) on the outside, and cracks in the foam on the inside.
    • If you think there is a chance of a concussion or other injury; DO NOT let the injured party make decisions for themselves, call 911. It is better to be safe than sorry;
    • They may be in shock and despite what they may say and do - they are simply not capable of making either accurate assessments or decisions with regard to their own health. The standard - "I am ok" should NOT be listened to;
    • It is incumbent on the Group Leader and/or people around them, to step in, take charge and call 911 if they deem it to be necessary; and
    • If an ambulance is called (and there was a hit to the head), ensure the helmet goes to the hospital with the injured party, to alert emergency room staff of their possible/probable head trauma;
    • It is usually a good idea to go to the hospital after an accident as a precaution, especially if you hit your head. Regardless, it is important to follow up with your family doctor or a walk-in clinic afterwards;
    If a vehicle, or any non-KNBC members, are involved:

    Obtain identifying information of the others involved (e.g. take a picture of):

    • the other person’s identification (eg. Name, address & phone number, driver’s license);
    • the name of their insurance company;
    • motor vehicle registration and license plate number.
    Report the incident to the KNBC Tour Director and Safety Advisor

    Please report all incidents that occur on a ride to Tour Director by email KNBC and While the Tour Leader is responsible for the reporting, they may delegate it to another member on the ride, if that is appropriate. Please include:

    • A description of the event – what happened to cause the incident;
    • Who was involved. Include contact information for any non-KNBC members involved;
    • A description of any injuries, damage or other consequences;
    • If the injuries were significant, please fill out an Accident Report Form;
    • What was done after the incident occurred, how it was handled;
    • Police report information, if police were called or a report filed;
    • Any other information you feel is relevant;
    Report the accident to the police:
    • Everyone involved in a motor vehicle accident that causes more than $1,000 in damage has an obligation to report it to the police;
    • Police, will usually come to the scene of the accident, interview witnesses, and may issue a ticket to the person who caused the accident;
    • The police investigation will hopefully preserve information about how the accident happened.
    Accident caused by a road hazard:

    If the accident was a result of a road hazard, or unsafe road surface conditions, e-mail the relevant city councillor with a clear description of how the road hazard or unsafe road surface conditions contributed to the accident. Also, notify (You can also phone 311).

    Resources and Notes
    • The CAA Bike Assist offers Emergency Roadside Assistance to cyclists year round as part of their CAA membership.
    • The NCC emergency number is 613-239-5353. If you are in Gatineau Park and call 911, call this number after. They will open closed roads and expedite access of emergency vehicles. They can also assist when 911 is not called, but services are needed.
    • KNBC has a roadside assistance policy where members may be called upon to transport cyclists in emergency situations. See K002 Roadside Assistance Policy for details.

    Club Policy on Aero Bars

    While aero bars can be a great asset for improved speed when racing or when riding on your own, they should not be used when riding in a club group ride. When riding in a group you may be required to react quickly to any given situation. The reaction time (i.e. to manoeuvre or brake suddenly) is impeded by the increased time required to reach your brakes from the aero bars. Additionally, you do not have the same level of control that you would have, with your hands in the normal position on your handlebars. Even in the front or back of the group, safety can be compromised when there is a need to stop or react suddenly. The safety of the entire group should be the concern of every rider. It is not necessary to remove them from your bikes but to simply just not use them. Exceptions will be made if a rider uses aerobars for medical reasons (i.e. neck arthritis), however; individuals involved must emphasize and practice the need for allowing extra space around them to manoeuvre and/or brake suddenly. Please review the club policy here

    Report Bad Roads

    When you encounter road hazards, poor road surface conditions, badly positioned grates, excessively large speed bumps or anything that renders cycling dangerous, PLEASE take the time to take a picture and REPORT it to the relevant City of Ottawa Councillor. Use "Safety Hazard to Cyclists" in your Subject Heading, outline the concern, (impact on cyclists' safety), and include the picture and the location.  This Councillor Contacts link will take you to the City of Ottawa web site with all their contact information. 

    Also copy Jessica Lloy at ( Pedestrian and Cycling Safety Coordinator Traffic Safety, Public Works, City of Ottawa) and