General Information (Updated May 2024)

Please read the KNBC Code of Conduct, before showing up for your first tour. Our rides have a wide range of distances and speeds. We suggest you choose rides that match your endurance and biking speed.

Tour and Ride Schedules 

The official up-to-date schedule of KNBC's rides and tours is found in the club's calendar. It will provide you with any recent additions, cancellations, or other changes to the ride schedule. To avoid any surprises, always check it before heading out on a club ride or tour. 

For the convenience of members, the weekly ride schedule is also presented in the Monday Bike Shorts. However, schedules change frequently, so always check with the online calendar.


Registration for day tours is mandatory. This is an insurance requirement and also allows us to manage group size, update riders of changes, track ridership, and collect various legal acknowledgments. The Register button can be found in the ride details of the event. If you show up for a ride without having registered, you will not be allowed to participate. 

In situations where registrations have exceeded the designated registration limit, you may be presented with a Join Waitlist button. If limits are increased or people cancel, riders on the waitlist are then registered in a first come, first served fashion. 

To avoid instances of people registering too far in advance and then forgetting about it, registration for each ride will only become available/active 2 weeks prior to the ride date. Do not be concerned if the ride shows "Registration is closed". This just means you are outside the 2 week window and registration is not yet available. 

After you register for a ride, you will automatically receive an email giving you full details about the ride for which you registered. You may also receive notices by email from your tour leader if there are any last minute changes, cancellations, special instruction etc. 

Starting Time 

Tours leave on time, so please arrive at least twenty minutes prior to the indicated departure time.

Starting Points 

Starting points are varied throughout the city. Common starts are at the Kanata Wave Pool (KWP), Whalen Park, Britannia Park, and Centrepointe.  Centrepointe starts are from the vicinity of 101 Centrepointe Dr, which is the parking lot behind the Royal Oak (just south of the City of Ottawa building on Centrepointe Dr). Parking may or may not be available at the start points, so prepare to park nearby.


Distances quoted are either known, or in the case of estimates, they are believed to be within plus or minus 10%.

Remote Starts 

"Remote" is a relative term. If you live in Orleans, a Kanata start is remote, and vice versa. Always check the ride Location field and allow sufficient time to arrive at the start location.

When you register for a ride, the Tour Leader will get an email notification and know that you are coming. If the ride is cancelled, the start moved, or the start time adjusted, they will be able to contact you. Club members needing a drive may contact the tour leader to help you arrange a ride or check the attendance list and contact somebody on it for a lift. Clicking on a name will take you to the member directory entry for that member. 

Difficulty Levels (Speed Ratings) 
 Category  Distance (increasing over season)  Speed (flat surface, no wind)   Stops  Terrain
 30-65 km  18-20 km/h  Frequent  mainly flat
 L2  45-80+ km  21-23 km/h   Frequent to occasional  flat, rolling, hilly
 L3  60-100+ km  24-26 km/h  As required 
 flat, rolling, hilly
 L4  70-100+ km  27-29 km/h  As required 
 flat, rolling, hilly

 100+ km

 30-35 km/h  As required   flat, rolling, hilly
  • The level of the ride indicates the relative average effort and endurance/stamina required. Since these can’t be precisely defined, the table uses speed as a proxy for average effort and distance for endurance/stamina. Actual speeds can vary significantly from the defined averages based on how hilly the route is, the wind speed and direction, the road surfaces, temperature and other weather conditions as well as unanticipated delays.
  • Rides at a given level will generally be slightly shorter and at an easier pace early in the season than those later in the season.
  • Note that ride levels indicate the level of the ride and not that of the rider. Individuals have a much wider range of physical abilities and riding preferences than can be referenced in a single level. As you ride with the club you will get a sense of which ride levels are best suited for you. New club members should start at a ride level where they think they belong until they determine which ride levels are best for them.
  • There are many club members who find longer rides at more relaxed speeds appealing and you will see several L2 rides with an L3 distance. This just indicates the ride has an L2 level of average effort, and an L3 level of stamina/endurance.
  • The average speeds and distances of gravel rides will be significantly lower than road rides at the same level.
Route Maps

KNBC has moved exclusively to using Ride With GPS to plan its rides and tours. We have over 500 pre-planned routes that we use throughout the region. Get more information on this and sign up at the club RWGPS page

Wild Apricot Mobile Apps

KNBC's member management system is called Wild Apricot. While access via PC or Mac still gives the best experience, we have two mobile apps available that really simplifiy things when away from your desk. Check out the appropriate mobile app for your device. You can register for rides, cancel rides, renew membership, pay fees, and more. 

